September 8, 2010

Building our marriage

We've all heard that marriage takes work, and that's true. However, working at a marriage doesn't mean yours is bad or that the work need be tedious. Spending quality time together (without the kids) can strengthen and renews your love and commitment to each other.

Hubby and I recently spent nine days (but who was counting exactly) without our daughter around. The house was certainly quieter! Little One spent time with her grandparents, and we were able to spend time with just each other. We also attended a marriage conference in Denton, TX: "The two will become one" (Ephesians 5:31). One thousand people (presumably 500 couples) registered for the event, and most were there. We listened to speakers Dr. Scott Hahn and Greg & Julie Alexander, ate lunch with other lovely couples, and had the opportunity for Adoration (which I had to explain to my Protestant husband). I highly recommend taking advantage of events like this going on in your diocese.

On another note, where does the time do? I can't believe over a month has gone by since I blogged about materialism. Surely that can't be right!


Unknown said...

Oh, I heard about that conference. I bet it was great! Scott Hahn was one of my professors in college and he literally changed my life!

Can't wait to read more of your blog when I get a moment!

Diana said...

Hi Christine - I see you found my blog too. ...It was a great conference. I love Scott Hahn's books, so it was wonderful to hear him speak.

I need to blog more - I see it's been awhile. Glad you came for a visit!